How To Stay Competitive


Between booming online sales and endless backorders, it is becoming more and more difficult to stay ahead in the home interiors industry. From price matching to end consumers always searching for the ‘next best thing’, the question remains the same; “How can I compete anymore?”. We are giving you our list of top 3 ways you can stay at the forefront of consumers minds in this industry!

YOU are your biggest selling point

You have the knowledge and experience that your customers do not. After all, that is why they came to you! Be confident in that. Whether you own a storefront or have a new design client, you have put in the work to make this experience better than any online experience. Your expertise and counsel is priceless when it comes to navigating your customers through decisions about their home, so don’t be shy when you market yourself! Be confident in your skill set, and your customers will be confident in you too!

Customer service is KEY!

What causes someone to seek help from a designer or sales associate? CUSTOMER SERVICE. They want answers and someone to help make decisions. They trust you! Going above and beyond with your client is key to ensuring they are pleased with their decision in choosing to seek your help. Want to make the client feel comfortable with your pricing over an online dealer? Remind them through actions and hard work that YOU are providing them with customer service and expertise that they cannot find elsewhere. This will lead you to repeat customers, which is always the end goal in any business.

Shop TRADE ONLY brands

Not sure what that means? Let us help you out! Have you heard of our Revelation brand? Revelation by Uttermost was created with you in mind. As we mentioned earlier, online sales are killing many small businesses so we have an answer! Revelation is to the TRADE ONLY, meaning no online dealers have access to sell this incredible product. We want you to be able to set your designs and storefront apart from the competition. Even better news, Revelation by Uttermost is total home. You can customize your customers experience by providing them with a unique experience they cannot find anywhere else but with YOU! View all product categories for our Revelation line below with a few of our most popular products from each category.


Design, Create, Elevate

The Buhmann Group