I think we can all agree that we are hopeful for a brighter 2022! What better way to manifest this than by incorporating the Color of The Year into your next design? Today, we will be discussing three chosen by Pantone, Sherwin Williams, and Benjamin Moore. In choosing the color of the year, all take detailed trend analysis and thoughtful consideration. When it comes to design, how important is color to you? Let us know your thoughts!
PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri
As always, the Pantone Color of the Year reflects the current state of our world. With people craving color, innovation, and community now more than ever before, Very Peri’s dynamic color brings joy and inspiration to all.
Graphics: https://www.pantone.com/color-of-the-year-2022
Known for being a chameleon color, Evergreen Fog brings about peace and comfort for all who need a refresh. Let’s be honest, isn’t that all of us? The calming color that drifts between green and gray is beautiful for both interior and exterior spaces. If you are looking for a clean slate and new beginning this year, Evergreen Fog is the color for you.
Graphic: https://www.sherwin-williams.com/content/colorforecast/colormix-2022/color-of-the-year-2022
October Mist was chosen to become the background of creativity. The shaded sage color leaves room for you to become your most creative by giving you a blank canvas. If you need a serene color to anchor your next space, October Mist by Benjamin Moore is your go to!
Graphic: https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/color-overview/color-palettes/color-of-the-year-2022
Stop in the showroom and let us help you incorporate color into your next design!
Design, Create, Elevate.
-The Buhmann Group